Afghanistan's Buzkashi
The people of Afghanistan love playing all kinds of sports. The most popular sport in Afghanistan is buzkashi, a team sport played on horseback. 아프가니스탄의 전통스포츠중 하나인 Buzkashi. 팀경기로 이루어진다. 출처 :
2011.09.25 -
Fantastic Horse
Stolenbjorn Valued Member Some claim that the portugeese mounted toreador-stuff can give some idea as how it would have been to meet knights in europe in the medieval times (perhaps allso eastern mounted warriors as well). Others claim that this tradition was refined after the knights era was over. Some sources states that knights were poor riders. IMO the truth was probably that quality would v..
2011.09.25 -
Norman Knight
The ultimate WMA on horseback-thread - Martial Arts Planet WMA/jousting was mentioned elsewhere, and I thought that it's worth a thread. There exists several manuals on warfare on horseback. What most of them have in common is that they build on the footed-section, and mounted techniques are usually depictured in the same manuals as footed techniques, and in Fiore, you are supposed to read the m..
2011.09.25 -
박지성의 실수
최악의 실수라고 인터넷을 뜨겁게 한다. 하지만 원숭이도 나무에서 떨어질 수 있다는 진리를 가르쳐 준것. 최악은 최선의 반전을 위한 것으로 해석했으면...
2011.09.25 -
2013년형 현대 산타페
The South Korean company, Hyundai Santa Fe SUV brought in 2001 after twelve years on the market, it will be ready for the third generation. The Santa Fe is one of the best-selling SUVs in markets like Europe and if Hyundai wants to keep it that way, they come up with significant improvements in their 2013 model. Our spy photographers have caught this model testing under heavy camouflage, but rum..
2011.09.25 -
스위스 국제기사대회 개최된다
1st International Competition of Horseback Archery in Switzerland 6/7/8 April 2012 in Visp (Wallis) Registration till January 2012 More information will follow soon. (Price and accommodation) Travel possibilities: - fly to aeroport Zürich CH, train to Visp - fly to aeroport Geneva (Genf) CH, train to Visp - fly to aeroport Bâle (Basel) CH, train to Visp - fly to aeroport M..