예언, 올해에 일어날 일들
2011. 1. 7. 15:40ㆍIn Life/Worldly Truth
Brain transplants, political scandal and more: here’s what 2011 holds
New Year's Eve is one of the best nights of the year—not for the parties or even the kiss at midnight, but that sense of promise. So aren’t you dying to know what’s going to go on in the year ahead?
We know you’re aching to find out, so we chatted with Nikki, a noted Toronto-based psychic who's predicted everything from Tiger Woods’ divorce to the mine disaster in Chile.
Apparently, she says, 2011 is going to be an up-and-down year. “There is a lot of doom and gloom this year, but the good thing is that there will be such great strides in medical breakthroughs,” she says, according to Toronto Sun.
2012 will loom large over the next year: the infamously catastrophic year (Nostradamus and the Mayans predicted that the world will end then) could mean possible earthquakes and assassinations toward the end of 2011.
But there’s a bright side, Nikki says: “There will be a sense of togetherness, and a return to family life.”
So what’s in store?
PREDICTION: George Clooney will get married.
The once-married dreamboat has claimed he’ll never walk down the aisle again. “But this is the year,” Nikki says. Who’s the lucky gal? “The chances of him marrying [current girlfriend, Italian model Elisabetta Canalis] are about 50/50.”
PREDICTION: The Playboy Mansion will burn down.
Not the mansion! “This will probably be an accident,” Nikki says. The fire could start at a party, she says: “they get pretty crazy!”
PREDICTION: A gold rush will occur in Hawaii.
Think the Klondike was crazy? “Gold mining companies will go big on this one,” Nikki says. People will “absolutely move” there in an effort to cash in on the craze.
PREDICTION: Michelle Obama will have another baby.
Nikki predicts that the President’s daughters Malia and Sasha will get a brand-new sibling—or two! It could be a boy or a girl, but is more likely a set of twins, she says.
PREDICTION: Sarah Palin will get divorced.
Rumours that the former veep nominee and her hubby of many years could be headed for splitsville have been swirling for a while. “This could get a little messy,” Nikki says.
PREDICTION: A giant spider nest and spiders will be found in South America.
Chalk it up to global warming. “There’s always new species being found down there!” she says.
PREDICTION: The first brain transplant will take place.
Nikki previously predicted the first face transplant. 2011 is all about the medical breakthroughs, she says, and the United States or Britain might be the first to perform a brain transplant. “It’s the next step,” she says.
PREDICTION: A huge breakthrough in the cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
One of the best breakthroughs for the year will be progress in the fight against these deadly diseases. “This will come from stem cell research,” according to Nikki.
PREDICTION: A horseshoe-shaped UFO will be spotted over Roswell, New Mexico.
“It’s the uncommon shape of the horseshoe that’s interesting here,” Nikki says. “There will be a lot more sightings this year. I feel that there are other planets with life in the universe—something very Avatar!” There will be more UFO sightings, and even possibly news on the alien life front.
PREDICTION: There will be a big scandal involving a Washington politician—and cheating will be involved! “
So who’s the dirty dog? “It could be a senator, or even one of Obama’s people,” according to Nikki.
PREDICTION: Longtime Hollywood power-couple Warren Beatty and Annette Bening will split up.
The twosome have been together for almost two decades, but “they’ve just outgrown each other,” according to Nikki. “It probably has something to do with their children, or perhaps a difference of opinion. It’s a combination of a lot of things.”
PREDICTION: A Hollywood starlet will give birth to a dwarf.
“Sometimes it’s the wildest predictions!” Nikki says with a laugh (she predicted that bird attack for Fabio on a roller coaster!). “I see the cover of People for this one,” she says.
PREDICTION: Lady Gaga will try out acting.
The wonderfully weird chanteuse will try her hand at both dramatic and comedic roles, including a possible turn on Broadway. Nikki says, “I see her taking a role similar to Burlesque,” the surprise smash musical starring Christina Aguilera.
Want some more insights into 2011’s major new headlines? Check out some of Nikki’s other predictions for the new year!
•Natalie Portman will win an Oscar for Black Swan.
•A 500-pound salmon will be discovered in British Columbia.
•Hilary Clinton will win the Nobel Peace Prize.
•A bionic eye will be invented by a French scientist.
•A big computer virus will take out large swathes of communication for a 48-hour period, which could affect air travel.
•Jessica Simpson will marry and have a baby.
캐나다의 유명 심령술사가 예언하는 ‘2011년에 일어날 일들’
타이거 우즈의 결혼생활 몰락과 칠레 광부 매몰사고를 예언했다는 캐나다의 심령술사 니키가 토론토 선지에 올해의 예언을 공개했다.
니키는 올해 버락 오바마 대통령이 쌍둥이를 가질 가능성이 있으며, 전 공화당 부통령 후보 세라 페일린이 이혼의 길로 접어들 것이라고 예언했다.
니키는 페일린의 이혼 사유를 구체적으로 설명하지 않고 페일린이 이혼을 모색할 것이라고만 말했다.
중동의 평화를 위한 노력으로 힐러리 클린턴이 노벨 평화상을 수상할 것이라고 예언한 니키는 헐리우드의 연예인에 대한 예언도 아끼지 않았다.
헐리우드의 최고 스타 조지 클루니가 올해에는 마침내 결혼하며 그의 신부는 현재의 애인 엘리자베스 카날리스일 확률은 50%라는 것.
왕년의 스타 웨렌 비티와 아넷 베닝이 결별할 것이며, 헐리우드의 스타들 가운데 누군가가 난장이 아이를 낳을 것이라는 불길한 예언도 했다.
인기 가수 레이디 가가는 영화로까지 활동 무대를 넓혀 코메디 역을 맡을 것이라고 주장한 니키는 올해를 전반적으로 어둡게 전망했으나 의료계에서는 혁신적인 발전이 있을 것으로 예언했다.
니키는 안면 이식수술을 예언해 적중한 바 있어 의료에 관한 그녀의 예언은 신빙성을 더하고 있다.
올해 미국이나 영국에서 최초로 뇌 이식 수술이 성공적으로 이루어 질 것이며 알츠하이머 병에 대한 줄기세포를 이용한 획기적인 치료법이 나올 것이라고 니키는 예언했다.
프랑스에서는 최초로 생체공학으로 이뤄진 인공 눈을 개발할 것으로 예언됐다.
니키는 이밖에도 최근 60살 연하와 약혼을 발표, 화제를 모았던 플레이보이 발행인 휴 헤프너의 플레이보이 맨션이 화재를 당할 것이라고 말했다.
원문보기 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2011/01/182_79250.html
New Year's Eve is one of the best nights of the year—not for the parties or even the kiss at midnight, but that sense of promise. So aren’t you dying to know what’s going to go on in the year ahead?
We know you’re aching to find out, so we chatted with Nikki, a noted Toronto-based psychic who's predicted everything from Tiger Woods’ divorce to the mine disaster in Chile.
Apparently, she says, 2011 is going to be an up-and-down year. “There is a lot of doom and gloom this year, but the good thing is that there will be such great strides in medical breakthroughs,” she says, according to Toronto Sun.
2012 will loom large over the next year: the infamously catastrophic year (Nostradamus and the Mayans predicted that the world will end then) could mean possible earthquakes and assassinations toward the end of 2011.
But there’s a bright side, Nikki says: “There will be a sense of togetherness, and a return to family life.”
So what’s in store?
PREDICTION: George Clooney will get married.
The once-married dreamboat has claimed he’ll never walk down the aisle again. “But this is the year,” Nikki says. Who’s the lucky gal? “The chances of him marrying [current girlfriend, Italian model Elisabetta Canalis] are about 50/50.”
PREDICTION: The Playboy Mansion will burn down.
Not the mansion! “This will probably be an accident,” Nikki says. The fire could start at a party, she says: “they get pretty crazy!”
PREDICTION: A gold rush will occur in Hawaii.
Think the Klondike was crazy? “Gold mining companies will go big on this one,” Nikki says. People will “absolutely move” there in an effort to cash in on the craze.
PREDICTION: Michelle Obama will have another baby.
Nikki predicts that the President’s daughters Malia and Sasha will get a brand-new sibling—or two! It could be a boy or a girl, but is more likely a set of twins, she says.
PREDICTION: Sarah Palin will get divorced.
Rumours that the former veep nominee and her hubby of many years could be headed for splitsville have been swirling for a while. “This could get a little messy,” Nikki says.
PREDICTION: A giant spider nest and spiders will be found in South America.
Chalk it up to global warming. “There’s always new species being found down there!” she says.
PREDICTION: The first brain transplant will take place.
Nikki previously predicted the first face transplant. 2011 is all about the medical breakthroughs, she says, and the United States or Britain might be the first to perform a brain transplant. “It’s the next step,” she says.
PREDICTION: A huge breakthrough in the cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
One of the best breakthroughs for the year will be progress in the fight against these deadly diseases. “This will come from stem cell research,” according to Nikki.
PREDICTION: A horseshoe-shaped UFO will be spotted over Roswell, New Mexico.
“It’s the uncommon shape of the horseshoe that’s interesting here,” Nikki says. “There will be a lot more sightings this year. I feel that there are other planets with life in the universe—something very Avatar!” There will be more UFO sightings, and even possibly news on the alien life front.
PREDICTION: There will be a big scandal involving a Washington politician—and cheating will be involved! “
So who’s the dirty dog? “It could be a senator, or even one of Obama’s people,” according to Nikki.
PREDICTION: Longtime Hollywood power-couple Warren Beatty and Annette Bening will split up.
The twosome have been together for almost two decades, but “they’ve just outgrown each other,” according to Nikki. “It probably has something to do with their children, or perhaps a difference of opinion. It’s a combination of a lot of things.”
PREDICTION: A Hollywood starlet will give birth to a dwarf.
“Sometimes it’s the wildest predictions!” Nikki says with a laugh (she predicted that bird attack for Fabio on a roller coaster!). “I see the cover of People for this one,” she says.
PREDICTION: Lady Gaga will try out acting.
The wonderfully weird chanteuse will try her hand at both dramatic and comedic roles, including a possible turn on Broadway. Nikki says, “I see her taking a role similar to Burlesque,” the surprise smash musical starring Christina Aguilera.
Want some more insights into 2011’s major new headlines? Check out some of Nikki’s other predictions for the new year!
•Natalie Portman will win an Oscar for Black Swan.
•A 500-pound salmon will be discovered in British Columbia.
•Hilary Clinton will win the Nobel Peace Prize.
•A bionic eye will be invented by a French scientist.
•A big computer virus will take out large swathes of communication for a 48-hour period, which could affect air travel.
•Jessica Simpson will marry and have a baby.
캐나다의 유명 심령술사가 예언하는 ‘2011년에 일어날 일들’
타이거 우즈의 결혼생활 몰락과 칠레 광부 매몰사고를 예언했다는 캐나다의 심령술사 니키가 토론토 선지에 올해의 예언을 공개했다.
니키는 올해 버락 오바마 대통령이 쌍둥이를 가질 가능성이 있으며, 전 공화당 부통령 후보 세라 페일린이 이혼의 길로 접어들 것이라고 예언했다.
니키는 페일린의 이혼 사유를 구체적으로 설명하지 않고 페일린이 이혼을 모색할 것이라고만 말했다.
중동의 평화를 위한 노력으로 힐러리 클린턴이 노벨 평화상을 수상할 것이라고 예언한 니키는 헐리우드의 연예인에 대한 예언도 아끼지 않았다.
헐리우드의 최고 스타 조지 클루니가 올해에는 마침내 결혼하며 그의 신부는 현재의 애인 엘리자베스 카날리스일 확률은 50%라는 것.
왕년의 스타 웨렌 비티와 아넷 베닝이 결별할 것이며, 헐리우드의 스타들 가운데 누군가가 난장이 아이를 낳을 것이라는 불길한 예언도 했다.
인기 가수 레이디 가가는 영화로까지 활동 무대를 넓혀 코메디 역을 맡을 것이라고 주장한 니키는 올해를 전반적으로 어둡게 전망했으나 의료계에서는 혁신적인 발전이 있을 것으로 예언했다.
니키는 안면 이식수술을 예언해 적중한 바 있어 의료에 관한 그녀의 예언은 신빙성을 더하고 있다.
올해 미국이나 영국에서 최초로 뇌 이식 수술이 성공적으로 이루어 질 것이며 알츠하이머 병에 대한 줄기세포를 이용한 획기적인 치료법이 나올 것이라고 니키는 예언했다.
프랑스에서는 최초로 생체공학으로 이뤄진 인공 눈을 개발할 것으로 예언됐다.
니키는 이밖에도 최근 60살 연하와 약혼을 발표, 화제를 모았던 플레이보이 발행인 휴 헤프너의 플레이보이 맨션이 화재를 당할 것이라고 말했다.
원문보기 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2011/01/182_79250.html
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