Horseback archers revive ancient skill

2010. 5. 1. 17:06Report/Sports


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An ancient skill was revived when daredevil horseback archers showed off their talents as they rode hands free and shot arrows at targets.

The dramatic sport, which is growing in popularity in the UK, held its first demonstration alongside a mini competition at the weekend.

Experienced riders travel at a canter or a gallop, with no reigns so they can focus on shooting their bow and arrow at targets.

Although horseback archery dates back centuries as a form of combat, it had died out in Britain until a minor resurgence took hold in 2007.

Now, Ashmoor Horseback Archers, at Stoodleigh, near Tiverton in Mid Devon, is fully involved in the revival.

Hayley Bishop, who runs the club with her mother, said: "I love it. For a person who loves riding their horse and also enjoys archery, you can combine the two very successfully. It's exhilarating – even to do it from a walk is really exciting."

The demonstration at the weekend involved different types of disciplines, including shooting sideways on and varying between forwards, to the side and to the back.

The overall winner was 15-year-old Sophie Leahy, from Stoodleigh, who has been training at Ashmoor, and who only started riding a year ago.

Chris Lincoln-Jones scooped the prize for the speed shot and the Hungarian display, which is three types of shot.

Ms Bishop is searching for sponsorship, to allow members to enter European and world championships. For more

information, visit, or call Ms Bishop on 07737 355 686.
