도쿄올림픽 복싱경기 살아났다
2019. 5. 23. 18:44ㆍReport/Martial Arts
도쿄올림픽에서 퇴출위기였던 복싱종목이 다시 살아났다. 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)는 22일(현지시간) 스위스 로잔에서 집행위원회(EB)를 열어 복싱을 2020년 도쿄 올림픽에서 정식종목으로 유지키로 했다. 다만 IOC 집행위원회는 자정 능력을 상실한 국제복싱협회(AIBA)에 대해 올림픽 복싱 주관 자격을 박탈하기로 결정했다. 경기도 기존 남자 10체급에서 남자8체급으로, 여자 3체급에서 5체급으로 변경되었다.
The EB created a special task force, chaired by IOC Member and President of the International Gymnastic Federation (FIG) Mr Morinari Watanabe, with the mandate to:
a. Ensure the delivery of the following boxing competitions, with a goal of increasing sustainable gender equality in all areas of the sport:
i. Qualification events for boxing in view of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, due to take place between January 2020 and May 2020;
ii. Boxing tournament at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
b. Develop a Tokyo 2020 Qualification System for boxing, including the following details to be confirmed not later than the end of June 2019:
i. Definition of Men’s and Women’s weight categories;
ii. Review of quota places allocation across the boxing events, with a goal of increasing gender equality;
iii. Set the criteria for the quota places distribution at the qualification events.
The EB created a special task force, chaired by IOC Member and President of the International Gymnastic Federation (FIG) Mr Morinari Watanabe, with the mandate to:
a. Ensure the delivery of the following boxing competitions, with a goal of increasing sustainable gender equality in all areas of the sport:
i. Qualification events for boxing in view of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, due to take place between January 2020 and May 2020;
ii. Boxing tournament at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
b. Develop a Tokyo 2020 Qualification System for boxing, including the following details to be confirmed not later than the end of June 2019:
i. Definition of Men’s and Women’s weight categories;
ii. Review of quota places allocation across the boxing events, with a goal of increasing gender equality;
iii. Set the criteria for the quota places distribution at the qualification events.
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