골굴사 전통무예대회 마쳐

2011. 10. 28. 16:17Report/Martial Arts

주지스님 인사말!

결실의 계절 가을의 한가운데 모인 여러분들의 마음에 풍요로움이 충만하길 기원합니다.   우리 민족의 정신문화를 이끌어 온 전통무예의 보존과 발전을 위해 애써온 무예계의 지도자님들과 우리의 전통무예를 아끼고 깊은 관심과 후원을 베풀어 주신 여러 기관단체와 불자 여러분에게 두 손 모아 감사를 드립니다.
   금년으로 제 9회를 맞이하는  『화랑의 후예 전통무예 대회』는 한국무예계를 대표하는 큰 행사로 주목 받고 있으며, 특히, 금년에는 전통무예를 통한 「현대인의 힐링과 생명나눔운동」을 주제로
‘사후 장기기증 서명과 헌혈’을 함께 펼치는 뜻 깊은 행사가 될 것입니다.
  이제 저희 「한국 전통무예 총 연맹」은 개인의 수련이나 도장운영에 만족하지 않고 사회와 인류의 번영을 위해 적극적으로 참여하고자 뜻을 함께 모아 NGO 단체로 활동할 것을 선포하는 바입니다.     본 대회에 힘을 실어주신 생명나눔실천본부 이사장 일면 큰스님과 태국의 무애타이 총본산 왓타파아차통 사원의 주지스님, 국민가수로서 보건학 박사인 김태곤 홍보대사님에게 깊은 감사를 드립니다.

골굴사 주지, (재)선무도 대금강문 문주, 한국전통무예총연맹총재           설 적운 합장

Dear friends, with whom we are illuminated in the light of the Buddha,

As we have gathered here together during the fullness of the harvest season, may all your hearts and minds be abundant with warmth and hope.
Let us take a moment and express our collective gratitude for all the people who allow the traditional martial arts to thrive:  for the leaders of all martial arts, for the governing members of society, and for each and every Buddhist who cherish our cultural traditions. The future of the traditional martial arts depends on the support of people like you.
Our annual “Traditional Martial Arts in the Posterity of Hwarang Spirit” convention is celebrating its 9th year. This festival is one of the premier events of its kind in Korea, and we are pleased to announce that this year’s theme is the ‘Healing and Sharing of Life’. We will provide all our visitors and participants with the opportunity to become a blood and/or an organ donor.
The Traditional Martial Arts Federation is no longer satisfied by the goals of Individual training or with the enterprise of running a training center. It is the hope of the Federation that we can benefit and encourage the growth and well-being of all of mankind, and as such, we will now be operating as an NGO.
There are many people we would like to recognize in gratitude for their contributions to this year’s convention. We extend our sincerest gratitude to the Venerable Il Myeon, who is the chairperson of the “Life Sharing Association”, as well as to the Venerable Phra Kru Bah Nuchai, the abbot of Wattapaahchatong temple, which is home to a thriving Mauy Thai community in Thailand. Finally, we would like to thank Professor Kim Tae Gon, who is our public relations ambassador, a Professor of Health and Hygiene, and a nationally-renowned performing artist.

Sunmudo Grand Master, Abbot of Golgulsa   Jeog Un, Seol

사진출처 : 골굴사 http://www.golgulsa.com/