아시아삼보아카데미 윤곽나왔다.

2011. 10. 22. 20:08Report/Martial Arts


아시아삼보연맹이 중심이 되어 만들어지는 아시아삼보아카데미와 관련된 내용이다.
아카데미는 1.5 헥타르의 면적 스패닝 타슈켄트 지역의 Kibray 지구에 건설되고있다. 아카데미는 10개의 삼보경기장과 레슬링을 겸비할 수 있는 체육관 등의 시설을 갖추고 있다.  이 안에는 수영장, 사우나, 테니스, 미니 축구, 배구, 농구 코트뿐만 아니라 영화관, 레크 리에이션 등을 할 수 있는 공간이 들어간다. 전문 문헌을 보유한 삼보 도서관, 강당, 명예의 전당과 같은 삼보의 역사와 영광의 기록들이 함께하고, 교본과 비디오 자료를 생산하는 역할도 한다고 한다. 숙박시설로는 유스호스텔같은 시설로 200여명의 수련생을 수용할 수 있는 시설을 갖춘다. 이 시설은 지난해 가을부터 준비하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

아래 내용은 기본 내용을 담은 것으로 아시아삼보연맹 홈페이지에 공개한 내용이다.

From its humble beginnings the ASF today is the leading continental body of SAMBO with a total number of 25 member nations. Several other countries are expected to join Federation this year.


In ASF we have clear understanding of strategic importance of these issues which will be addressed by the construction of the “Asian SAMBO Academy” to train coaches, referees and athletes from new countries. The Academy is being constructed in Kibray district of the Tashkent region spanning an area of 1.5 hectares.


Upon completion, over 2 thousand students will be trained there annually. Each category of students whether they are athletes, coaches or referees will have individual programs.


The courses will be carried out by highly skilled multi lingual instructors, which have brought up many generations of world and continental champions. Sportsmen wishing concentrate on improving combat SAMBO techniques will also have a chance to learn unique lessons of striking.


Sportsmen from new countries will also have an opportunity to train with experienced fighters. It is well known that SAMBO is a dynamic sport, accumulating the best techniques from various martial arts. To share their experience the best experts of kickboxing, boxing, kurash, wrestling and other martial arts will be invited to the Academy.


We expect that as a result of Academy’s activity Asia will be able to churn out qualified sport and combat SAMBO trainers, referees and sportsmen within 2-3 years.


ASF will invite representatives from other continents where SAMBO is at the initial stage of development.


The Academy will have 3 wrestling halls with 10 mats and a gym. Pool, sauna, tennis, mini-football, volleyball, basketball courts as well as cinema hall will provide recreation and diversification. SAMBO library with specialized literature, hall of glory will help to get acquainted with its history and theory and also become base for manufacturing of the textbooks and video materials.


A hostel and some cottages equipped with TV sets and air conditioners will be able to accommodate over 200 students.


Fulfilling its ideas the ASF remains dedicated to policy of social responsibility. We do not forget growing up generation living around the Academy. Separated cultural and sports complex comprising gymnastics hall, dancing class, computer club, table tennis, chess, and, of course, SAMBO hall are being constructed within the Academy area. ASF will take all expenses related to maintenance of the infrastructure.


In summer time kids from Orphanage N21 of Tashkent city who are under ASF patronage will be able to train and strengthen their health at the Academy. The activity of Academy will be covered by its Internet site, which is also being designed now.

The Academy will start functioning in autumn of 2010.
